Docker-Wrapper for Composerize
What is composerize?
Composerize is an open source project and npm package for converting docker run
commands into a docker-compose
You can also use the corresponding website to convert ad hoc.
That is composerize-docker?
I have build the project composerize-docker on top of composerize. This project simply wraps the nodejs package inside a docker image so that you don’t have to care about the right nodejs und library version.
How to get started?
I asume that you are working in a unix-based environment. (Linux, MacOS, WSL, ...) You get the best user experience if you create a function e.g. in your .bashrc
or .zshrc
with the following content:
composerize() {
docker run -it maaxgr/composerize:1.0.6 composerize "$@"
After restarting your shell, you should be able to run the composerize function.
Here is an example how to convert a docker run
command to docker-compose
composerize docker run -d --name web1 --net mynetwork jmalloc/echo-server:latest