Create Basic ZSH-Command with Auto-Completion

Max Großmann
2 min readMay 8, 2020


Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

For this tutorial you need to have zsh and the oh-my-zsh framework installed. You can find further help in the Getting Started guide on the Github page of oh-my-zsh.

As an example we want to create a command hello that accepts multiple programming languages as a first argument and prints a hello world message. The problem is, that we are too lazy to type these programming language and want some fancy auto completion for that.


Here you can see, how our command will look like, when we execute it.

> hello kotlin
Hello kotlin!
> hello python
Hello python!

Our aim is to autocomplete kotlin and python when we press tab after the hello command.

> hello <tab>
kotlin python

Create the code

For convenience reasons we will write all of our code in the .zshrc file in our home directory. In relation to better overview it might be better to structure the code blocks into single files. See below.

If you already have a command for which you want to create auto completion you can skip step two and three.

  1. Open the .zshrc config with your favorite text editor. In my case thats vim.
vim ~/.zshrc

2. Create a command function at the bottom of the script.

hello() { 
echo "Hello $1!"

3. Restart your terminal to reload zshrc config. You can test your command now.

> hello kotlin
Hello kotlin!

4. Reopen .zshrc (see step 1) and add the auto completion function for that command at the bottom of the script.

_hello() { 
compadd kotlin python

compdef _hello hello

5. Restart your terminal again. You now can type hello and press tab for multiple times. Now you should see kotlin and python as autocompletable arguments.

Structure command and completion function in separate files

Especially if you have a lot of commands it might be better to put these functions in separate files and source them from the .zshrc.

In our example:

  1. Create directory for all commands
> mkdir ~/.commands

2. Create and edit hello-file in which we put our function plus completion function for the hello-command

> vim ~/.commands/hello

3. Paste content from above

hello() { 
echo "Hello $1!"

_hello() {
compadd kotlin python

compdef _hello hello

4. Save file and open .zshrc file

5. Delete hello(), _hello() function + compdef line

6. Add the following line to the bottom of .zshrc. It sources the hello file from ~/.commands we created

source ~/.commands/hello

7. When we restart the terminal session we can use the hello command with completion the same way as it were in ~/.zshrc directly

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Max Großmann
Max Großmann

Written by Max Großmann

Software Development, Linux Administrator

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